Monday, 22 September 2014

Pulse Editor - 1.0

Finally solved the AU validation problem!

The new version 1.0 is here and the beta testing period ended.
There are no new features, the current version is the same as beta 6 with the AU validation problem solved.

What's next?
Some of you asked me for more functionalities like a MIDI CC mapping from the Host and macro controls. I have to say about this that i tried to implement this without succes. The problem resides VST3 SDK that doesn't allow to manage incoming Midi CC messages from host like the old VST2 SDK. I tried different approaches and did a long research in the steinberg mailing list to find a solution without success. Seems the main idea about this is that the Host must be the responsible for managing that Midi CC mapping outside the plugin. Anyway i not discard add this functionality in the future if the new VST SDK versions allow to do this or if i find another solution.

New Editor for the DSI Prophet '08 Synthesizer
I'm currently investigating for a new editor for the incredible DSI Prophet '08 Synthesizer. With the experience acquired from the Pulse Editor i think it can be done in a relatively short period of time. More news soon...