Friday, 2 May 2014

Pulse Editor - Beta 6

- New: support for Sysex files. Now you can send/receive sysex files.
- New: 64bit plugin version for OSX and Windows.
- New: write button (stores definitely the program to the synth memory)
- New: random program generator button
- New: program copy / paste buttons
- New: program inc / dec buttons
- Added: "All" option to midi input channel selecction.
- Added: more information messages.
- Some GUI improvements.
- CPU usage improvements.
- Corrected some significant bugs!.
- Updated manual.

Report bugs here: Bug report form

NOTE 1: this is an editor for the original Waldorf Pulse 1 Synthesizer (1996) do not use it with the new Waldorf Pulse 2 Synthesizer (2014) !!!.
NOTE 2: for some unknown cause can't pass the Audio Units validation test but the plugin is fully functional. I will try to solve this issue in the next release.