Thursday, 21 November 2013

Pulse Editor - Beta 3

+ Mac OSX VST2 and VST3 32bit versions available.
~ Fixed program send function.(now sends the program in sysex format and not all midi cc's)
~ Fixed parameters precision.
~ Minor bugfixes

Report bugs here: Bug report form


Tuesday, 12 November 2013

Pulse Editor - Beta 2

+ Init, Get, And Set buttons in Synth view.
+ Program Number and Midi Input/Output Channel selection in Synth view.
+ On every Midi Port Change --> Sends program change (program 1) to syncronize synth and editor.
+ Sysex Program Dump via "GET" button, directly from Synth and on program change.
~ Fixed range in some parameters.
~ Minor bugfixes

Report bugs here: Bug report form


Thursday, 7 November 2013

Free Pulse Synthesizer Editor

At this moment i'm involved in a Free Software Editor for one of the most beautiful monosynths ever made, the fantastic Waldorf Pulse.

The Synth has the very desired analog sound but lacks of a good user interface and the integration with the computer. As a musician and programmer I decided to improve this situation by developing my own VST Editor for Windows and OSX.

The plugin is in a beta state but the most important features are done.

Current features:

 - VST2 and VST3 (x86).
 - Full control of the synth parameters using Midi CCs.
 - Preset management as standard .fxp / .vstpreset.
 - Host independent Midi communication.
 - Midi in/out port and channel selection.
 - Supports automation of all parameters.
 - Sends Notes from the host.
 - Tempo sync. Midi Clock /Start /Stop from the host.

Pending features:

 - Sysex program dump.
 - VST2 and AU OSX version.
 - Manual.

Known limitations:

- The plugin requires the exclusive control of the selected port so it's not possible to use the same port for other instruments. I recommend an USB-to- MIDI converter cable.

Tested Hosts:

- Renoise 2.8 WIN XP, WIN 7.
- Reaper 4.32. WIN XP, WIN 7.