Monday, 11 January 2021

Pulse Editor - About new Macs, support and future.

Time goes very fast. Five years since my last update!

During the last month, some of you contacted me to know if there is any plans to update the editor to support the newer versions of macOs (64bit, ARM, etc..). I'm sorry to inform that the software is currently discontinued. The project was done during my free time bettween 2013 and 2015, unfortunately i don't have that time today (family, job, etc...).

I decided to remove the donation button, but the download links are still available as the editor is still useful for most of you.

Thanks for your support during these years!

Wednesday, 15 July 2015

Pulse Editor - 1.03

Added support for ModWheel, PitchBend and AfterTouch messages from Editor to Synth..

Sunday, 12 July 2015

Pulse Editor - 1.02 (mac only)

Solved problem while restoring plugin state in Logic. Updated mac version to 1.02 (Logic users download this version!!).